Review #1
Reviewer: Kris Graham
August/Sept 2017
Product: Maxi II Advance Incubator
Manufacturer: Brinsea
Product reviewed over:
1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 1 month 2 months 3 months
Are the eggs you're hatching: Home bred
Bought in
Postal sent
All 3 types
How were the eggs stored before incubating and how old were the eggs when they were put in:
The eggs were fresh within a few days and were stored point down in a cool dry place.
Your first thoughts of the product:
The incubator appears to be excellent quality
Features at a glance:
Fully automatic, external water fill, clear cover for easy viewing.

The Trial
Product Pros and Cons
The incubator was really easy to set up it comes already set to the correct temperature The instructions are really simple to follow which made for a really quick and easy set up.
I had a fantastic hatch with the incubator all though mid hatch 2 eggs were shrink wrapped in the shell which was a little disappointing. But the rest of the eggs all continued to hatch perfectly.
The chicks all hatched extremely strong. The incubator come with a corrugated cardboard hatch Matt which is a nice feature but I did find that a few chicks had spraddle leg.
The incubator has external water fill which is a really nice feature meaning you don’t need to open the incubator and lose humidity.
Overall I would highly recommend this incubator, its extremely easy to use and the hatch rate was excellent.
The incubator is extremely good value for money all though one feature I would of liked would have been an internal hygrometer.
How would you rate this product: 1-5 star rating (1-poor, 2-below average, 3-average, 4-above average, 5-brilliant).
4 stars