Review #2
Reviewer: Diane Baker
Sept/Oct 2017
Product: Fancy Feeds Layers Pellets
Manufacturer: Fancy Feeds
Product reviewed over:
1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 1 month 2 months 3 months
Your first thoughts of the product:
Nice pellet size and it smelled nice when I opened the sack.
The Trial

Product Pros and Cons
I liked that this product was suitable for all types of laying poultry as i keep large fowl (both hybrids and pure breeds) bantams, game birds including quail, turkeys, ducks and ex batts. The pellet size was suitable for all of them and they liked the feed.
After a few days i noticed the eggs laid by the hens which had been given Fancy Feed were noticeably more golden in colour which was good. Egg colour is important to me as i keep them all on grass for this reason.
One bag doesn't last me long enough to see if there was any gain in health or condition in the birds but i did see that the eggs were not too large which is somthing i do not want particularly with the ex commercial hens who can have egg laying issues due to this. Also egg shells were good although all my poultry have additional oyster shell grit available freely.

The feed was very good quality, and i would use it again to save me buying different bags of large and small pellet sizes.
It is more expensive so i may not feed it to all my poultry for this reason.(£2,50 per bag more)
I have already recommended it to a friend
How would you rate this product: 1-5 star rating (1-poor, 2-below average, 3-average, 4-above average, 5-brilliant).
I rate it a 5