Review #1
Reviewer: Sarah Taylor
Oct 2017
Product: Organic Layers Pellets
Manufacturer: Omlet
Product reviewed over:
1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 1 month 2 months 3 months
Features at a glance:
Usual colour.
Your first thoughts of the product:
Quite big pellets.
The Trial

Product Pros and Cons
The chickens really liked them, eager to eat.
They stopped laying so regularly during the trail (could be coincidence as all four of them also went through a moult).
Pellets slightly too big for my own personal feeder.
Overall the chickens ate the pellets much better than their usual feed.

I’m pleased that my four chickens enjoyed the feed as they barely seem to touch the usual one. I would recommend it to other chicken keepers and would possibly change over to this product if I felt my chickens weren’t getting enough food.
How would you rate this product: 1-5 star rating (1-poor, 2-below average, 3-average, 4-above average, 5-brilliant).
I rate it a 4-above average