Eggs and Common Problems
Approximately 2% of all chicken eggs has some defect, ranging from minor, barely noticeable faults to alarming deformities. With this in mind, the chances are that most, if not all, chicken keepers will at some stage experience finding an irregular egg. Here we are going to discuss about some of the most common egg irregularities, problems and their causes.
Most of these eggs, though some may look rather unappetising, are perfectly safe for us to eat. If, however, the deformity is caused by disease or treatment for disease/pest I would play it safe and discard the eggs rather than feeding them to other animals or back to the chickens, as some drugs leave a residue in their eggs so a withdrawal period (usually 3 weeks) is recommended.
How an egg is formed
An egg is made from the inside out. The yolk is made first, and then wrapped in a layer of egg white, before being neatly and beautifully packaged up in an egg shell.
The beginning of an egg is the tiny ova which takes a week to grow into a proper egg yolk. If you cut a boiled egg in half and look at the yolk, the dark rings were layers made during the day and the light layers during the hours of darkness. Strange but true!
When the yolk is ready it is released along the oviduct. The first part of the oviduct is where the egg white (albumen) is added. The egg white mainly consists of protein, water and minerals.
Then the egg carries on along the oviduct where it grows two connecting strands at the top and the bottom called chalaza, which anchor the yolk to the shell keeping it in the center of the egg.
The next stage is for the shell membranes to form around the white. After this the egg continues down into the uterus where the shell is added. The shell is made from calcium carbonate, which is also found in marble and chalk. The shell is a great bit of design, it is on average only 0.3mm thick but it is incredibly strong.
The colour of the shell depends on the breed of chicken and on the individual chicken itself.
For a virtual tour of the reproductive tract, click this LINK
Common Egg Shell Problems

White Banded Eggs
These eggs are the result of two eggs entering and making contact with each other in the shell gland pouch.
When this happens, normal calcification (egg shell formation) is interrupted and the first egg that entered the pouch will get an extra layer of calcium, seen as the white band marking.
Causes for this are:
Stress in the flock;
Changes in lighting, for example adding artificial light in the coop to encourage laying over winter;
Diseases such as infectious bronchitis.

Blood On Egg Shell
This can be anywhere from a few spots to a smear to an alarming amount of blood.
Causes are:
Small blood vessels ruptured in the hen’s vagina from excessive straining. This is more common in young pullets coming into lay and overweight hens;
Cannibalism, vent pecking;
Sudden big increase in length of daylight (when supplementing light in winter months);
A mite/lice infestation around the vent.

Body Checked Eggs
These eggs’ shells got cracked during the calcification process and had a layer of calcium deposited over the crack before the egg was laid. Some body checks are covered by a thick layer of calcium, forming an noticeable ridge or band around the egg.
Body checks will increase if the hens are exited or gets startled late in the afternoon/early evening, when the egg shell formation process begins.
Causes of body checks are:
Stress and overcrowding;
The hen’s age. There is a higher incidence in body checked eggs from older layers.

Broken and Mended Eggs
These are similar to body check eggs. The egg shell got cracked during the calcification process and mended just before being laid.
Stress, frights or disturbance during the calcification process.

Misshaped or Odd Shaped Eggs
These eggs differ from the normal shape and/or size and can be either too large, too small, round instead of oval or has major changes in the shape. Shapes can range from minor, barely noticeable to grossly mis-shaped.
Causes are:
Immature shell gland (young layers);
Defective shell glands;
Disease such as infectious bronchitis;
Stress, frights, or disturbances;
Overcrowding in coop and/or run.

Calcium Deposits
These egg shells have white coloured, irregularly shaped spots deposited onto the external surface of the shell. It can range from a few spots to a severe deposit.
Causes are:
Defective shell glands;
Disturbances and/or stress during the calcification process;
Poor nutrition, for example excess calcium in the hen’s diet.

Lack of pigment or uneven pigmentation on egg shells
The causes for this can be:
Poor nutrition. A deficiency in any of the main nutrients, protein, minerals etc in the hens’ diet can influence shell colour and formation. Zinc, copper and manganese are thought to be especially important in transporting pigment onto the shell. It has been suggested that a magnesium supplement can improve shell colour:
Viral infections. Infectious bronchitis and it’s variants, Newcastle disease, egg drop syndrome and avian influenza can cause damage to the oviduct, resulting in loss of shell colour and other problems:
Internal and external parasites. A heavy infestation of roundworms and or capillaria worms as well as red mites, when present as a heavy infestation, can have an adverse effect on egg quality and may cause pale shells;
Drugs. The coccidiostat drug, Nicarbazin, if present in feed, can interfere with egg shell pigmentation;
The hen’s age. And older layer will often produce eggs with paler shells, as well as a hen who had been laying intensively over a long period;
Stress. Physical stresses, environmental stresses or nutritional stresses can all interfere with shell pigmentation;
Exposure to sunlight and high temperatures can produce a fading effect on the shell.

Calcium Coated Eggs
These eggs have an extra, powdery layer of calcium, covering either the entire egg, or just one end of the egg.
Causes are:
Defective shell glands;
Disturbance or stress during calcification process;
Poor nutrition, for example excess calcium in the hen’s diet.

Speckled Eggs
Spots or speckles can be either brown or white. They are similar to calcium deposits, except the speckles are smaller. Speckles may or may not be pigmented.
Causes are:
Stress or disturbance during calcification process;
Poor nutrition, for example excess calcium in the hen’s diet.

Shell-less Eggs
A shell less consists of a yolk, albumen and membrane, but has no shell at all. The egg contents are protected by the outer membrane only. These are often seen in pullets coming into lay.
Causes are:
Immature shell gland (young layer);
Nutritional deficiency, usually lack of calcium and vitamins E, B12 and D as well as phosphorous and selenium;
Certain diseases, such as Newcastle disease, infectious bronchitis, avian influenza, egg drop syndrome;
Exposure to very high temperatures and extremely high or low humidity levels;
An infestation of internal or external parasites, such as worms, mites or lice;
Stress prompting the hen to lay an egg prematurely, before the shell is formed;
Egg laying while molting;
Exposure to toxins, such as mold, fungi, bacteria.

Slab Sided or Flat Sided Egg
When two eggs enter the shell gland pouch shortly after another, normal calcification is interrupted. The second egg will not be as complete as the first and may be flattened at the side where the eggs made contact, resulting in a flat or slab side.
Causes are:
Disease, such as infectious bronchitis;
Stress, frights and disturbances;
Overcrowding in coop/run;
Sudden large increase in daily light hours, for example when supplementing light during winter months

Wrinkled Eggs
These eggs’ shells have thinly creased/wrinkled surfaces. The wrinkles can range in severity from a single small wrinkle to quite a few large wrinkles, as shown in the egg pictured.
Causes are:
Stress and disturbance during calcification process;
Disease such as infectious bronchitis;
Defective shell glands.

Corrugated Shell
This happens when the egg membrane is thinner than it should be, often as a result of double ovulation (two yolks) and having to stretch thinner to cover the extra egg contents. This results in insufficient plumping of the egg, leaving a corrugated membrane onto which the shell gets deposited, so the shell takes on a corrugated appearance as well.
Causes are:
Extra large egg size, often double or multi yolk eggs;
Newcastle disease;
Excessive use of antibiotics;
Copper deficiency in the hen’s diet;
Excess calcium consumption;
A defective shell gland;
It is often seen with hens recovering from infectious bronchitis;
It can be hereditary.

Yolk-less Egg (aka fart egg, wind egg)
These tiny eggs may or may not have a yolk. Yolk-less fart eggs are often called rooster eggs. These little eggs are often much darker than normal, as they spend more time in the shell gland pouch and gets an extra layer or two of pigment.
These yolk-less eggs sometimes form when:
The hen’s oviduct releases a small piece of reproductive tissue or another small foreign mass enters the hen’s oviduct, triggering the regular formation of an egg. The foreign object will be treated like a normal yolk and enveloped in albumen, membranes and a shell;
Occasionally a hen will also lay a fart egg when something disturbs her reproductive cycle;
Young pullets may lay a fart egg or two when coming into lay and is still getting their reproductive systems in gear

Soft Shelled Eggs
These eggs are laid with an incomplete shell, sometimes just a thin layer of calcium.
Causes are similar to shell less eggs:
Immature shell gland;
Nutritional deficiencies, usually lack of calcium, vitamins E, B12 and D as well as phosphorous and selenium;
Disease such as infectious bronchitis, avian influenza, egg drop syndrome; an internal or external parasite infestation;
Exposure to very high temperatures and/or very high or low humidity levels;
Egg laid prematurely due to stress or a disturbance during the calcification process;
Egg laying while molting.

Mottled Egg Shell
In mottled egg shells parts of the egg shell are translucent, taking on a mottled or glassy appearance.
These shells can also be thin and fragile.
Causes are:
High humidity in the coop (make sure the coop is well ventilated;
Certain diseases, (such as infectious bursal disease) and mycotoxins;
Manganese deficiency in the hen’s diet;
Over-crowding in the coop.

Holes in Egg Shell
Pinholes, or small holes in the egg shell, may be the result of faulty laying down of the egg shell or from
pimples being knocked off the shell.
Possible causes are thought to be:
Advanced layer age
Poor nutrition
Damage from toenails, or other sharp objects in the nest box, post laying.

Blood Spots
Can range in severity from a small spot of blood on the yolk to about a spoonful of blood mixed with the egg contents.
Egg yolks form and mature in the hen’s ovary and sometimes when the mature yolk is released it may rupture a small blood vessel, the blood released will end up being encased in the shell, along with the rest of the egg contents.
Causes of this can be:
Incorrect levels of vitamins A and K in the hen’s diet;
Administration of the drug sulphaquinoxaline;
Large amounts of lucerne meal in the layers’ diet;
Feeding stale, wet or mouldy feed;
Continuous lighting in the coop;
Frights, stress and disturbances.

Pale Yolk
Can be caused by:
Lack of yellow to red pigments in the hens’ diet. Hens who have access to the outdoors, green food such as lucerne and grass and hens who are fed maize will have deeper coloured yolks. Certain feeds contain additives, such as marigold extract to help deepen the yolk colour.

Mottled Yolks
Can be caused by:
Worming drugs and compounds piperazine, dibutyltin dilaurate and citrate;
The anticoccidial drug Nicarbazin;
Certain antioxidants such as gallic acid and tannic acid;
Feeding hens raw soybean meal;
Calcium deficiency in the hens’ diet;
Thin egg shells;
Can be hereditary.

Discoloured (blue-green) Yolk
Can be caused by:
Feed or snacks containing cottonseed oil;
Ingestion of the weed Shepard’s Purse.

Double or Multiple Yolk Eggs
These are more common with your pullets just coming into lay. This happens when more than one yolk matures and gets released at the same time. As many as 9 yolks have been found in a single egg.

Rubbery, Cheesy or Pasty Yolks
Are caused by:
Ingestion of crude cottonseed oil;
Severe chilling or freezing of intact egg;
Ingestion of velvet weed and other related species.

White or Platinum Yolks
Can be caused by:
An infestation of cappilaria worms and certain diseases.