Worms in Chickens

Worms affecting chickens can be largely divided into two groups: the first are the more common gastrointestinal worms which live in the bird’s guts and the second is the ‘gape worm’ which lives in the bird’s trachea (windpipe)
There are four species of worms which can be found in the gastrointestinal tract of chickens:
Ascaridia (round worm) is the largest worm in chickens (around 7cm long) and lives in the small intestine. The juvenile worm burrows into the gut wall resulting in damage and inflammation reducing the absorption of nutrients, causing loss of condition, diarrhoea, anaemia (resulting in pale combs and wattles) and reduced egg production.
Capillaria also known as the ‘hairworm’ is the smallest and most dangerous of these worms especially when present in large numbers. Approx 1.5cm long, they use earth worms as part of their life cycle. Hairworms typically cause diarrhoea, anaemia and the birds can look unwell, hunched and dull.
Heterakis gallinarum also called the ‘caecal worm’ is found in the caecum of chickens. It is usually relatively harmless; however it can carry ‘black head’ which normally affects turkeys and occasionally chickens and pea fowl.
Tapeworms rarely affect chickens or cause problems. However, they can occur and if you are concerned your chicken has tapeworm then you should seek veterinary advice.

Other Worms
Syngamustrachea, more commonly known as ‘gape worm’, live in the bird’s trachea causing them to gasp, shake their head and stretch their neck. Because of its dramatic clinical signs, gape worms are the most well known of the worms affecting chickens although they are mostly seen in pheasants. They are transmitted via snails and earthworms.
Control of Worms
check that you are not over stocking the area you are keeping them in and condition of your flock.
determine the age range of birds.
site history – has it been used for keeping chickens for a period of time.
move free ranging birds onto fresh pasture to minimise worm burden.
regularly test faeces to determine whether your birds need worming – list of where you can obtain a worm count can be found below.
routinely worm your birds with Flubenvet 1%. We recommend this at least every 3 months. Add to food for 7 days, there is no withdrawal for eggs.
disinfect sheds with Interkokask
use deep litter woodchips and gravel. Completely remove this once a year and replace, this will help keep down the inevitable build up of worm eggs.
Obtaining worm count tests
You are best taking a look at each one and deciding which is best for you. They all come at a different price but some include other tests too.