Chicken First Aid Kit
We can never predict when we are going to have a poorly or injured chicken. The last thing you need is the added extra stress of not having in what you need, that could help in many situations that arise rather than searching where you can obtain these items at short notice.
We have put together a list of items that we think would make up a useful First Aid Kit for your chickens.
You don’t have to rush out and purchase everything on the list at once, just pick up a couple of bits here and there to build up to having a good kit ready to hand should you ever need it.
First you will need a sturdy plastic container with a lid to store it all in.
Inside the kit you will want to have:
Saline Solution (to rinse dirt/dust out of eyes)
Epsom Salts (for soaking feet with splinters or bumblefoot, bath poorly chickens in or those with sores on their body. Also, when ingested Epsom Salts can neutralise and help flush toxins, help with intestinal blockage, reduce diarrhea and treat vent gleet)
Vaseline (to prevent frostbite on combs or feet, helps against scaly mite)
Honey (natural antiseptic with healing properties, also gives a little boost when they are poorly)
Vitamins (ones that don’t contain Iron)
Electrolytes (to replace electrolytes during extremely hot weather)
Anti-peck Spray (helps prevent feather pecking)
D.E. – Food Grade (helps to combat external parasites eg lice, mites. Also when added to their feed helps controls internal parasites eg worms)
Sudocrem (good for applying to wounds and help combating scaly mite)
Hemorrhoid Cream (help in the treatment of mild prolapses)
ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar)
Frontline Spray
Purple Spray (an antiseptic for minor cuts and abrasions)
Veterinary Wound Powder
Gauze Pads, First Aid Tape, Vet Wrap, Sharp Scissors, Small Soft Toothbrush, Blood Stop Powder (or Cornstarch – to stop bleeding), Cotton Balls, Wooden Lollipop Sticks, CottonBuds, Eye Dropper, Tweezers, Rubber Gloves, Latex Gloves, Plastic Syringe, Dog Toenail Clippers, Small Torch (with spare batteries), Disposable Dust Masks.
Other items that will be good to have with your First aid Kit:
Heat Lamp/Infrared heat bulb
Hot Water Bottle
Old Towels
Cat Box or Dog Crate