Herbs For Poultry
Photo Credit: Jekkas Herb Farm
If you’re anything like myself, I am always on the look out for news ways to entertain my birds and also look for treats that are healthy as well as providing benefits to improve their health.
Here is a list of herbs and flowers that are beneficial for our feathered friends.
BASIL: anti-bacterial, mucus membrane health.
CATNIP: sedative, insecticide
CORIANDER: anti-oxidant, fungicide. Builds strong bones, high in vitamin A, for vision &vitamin K for blood clotting if eaten
DILL: anti-oxidant, relaxant, respiratory health.
FENNEL: laying stimulant
GARLIC: laying stimulant
LAVENDER: stress reliever, increases blood circulation, highly aromatic, insecticide
LEMON BALM: stress reliever, anti-bacterial, highly aromatic, rodent repellent
MARIGOLD: laying stimulant.MINT: (all kinds) insecticide and rodent repellent
MULBERRY LEAVES: for all worming needs.
NASTURTIUM: laying stimulant, antiseptic, antibiotic, insecticide, and wormer.
OREGANO: combats coccidian, salmonella, avian flu, black head & e-coli when eaten.
PARSLEY: high in vitamins. Aids in blood vessel development. Laying stimulant
(When feeding parsley, restrict the amount they eat. It is not good in large amounts)
PEPPERMINT: anti-parasitic, insecticide.
PINEAPPLE SAGE: aids nervous system, highly aromatic.
ROSE PETAL: highly aromatic, high in vitamin E.
ROSEMARY: pain relief, respiratory health, insecticide.
SAGE: anti-oxidant and parasitic.
TARRAGON: anti-oxidant..
SPEARMINT: anti-septic, insecticide, stimulates nerves, brain &blood functions.
THYME: respiratory health, anti-bacterial, anti-oxidant, anti-parasitic. All these herbs can be used as feed or put in nest boxes. Replace when needed.
Edibles you can grow for your poultry
WHEAT SPROUTS: Allow to grow to 5-10cm in tray (Sprouting increases the protein content), then feed to fowl at that height to prove a nutritious snack.WATERCRESS: (Nasturtium) Highly Nutritious, 4% Calcium, 3% Protein just over 1% Phosphorus and other important vitamins and minerals.
STINGING NETTLES: (Utica dioica) is excellent for poultry. It is high in chlorophyll, iron, phosphorous, potassium, manganese, calcium, sulphur, silica, protein and vitamins A, C,D.
GREY SUNFLOWER SEEDS: are highly nutritious, scratch feed providing energy when ripe and dried.
LEMON BALM: (Melissa officinalis) This has as a range of useful properties that benefit chickens as a medicinal herb. It is anti-viral, so it may protect against some poultry diseases. It is also anti-bacterial and highly aromatic, so try cutting a few short stems every day and add to next nest boxes. It is also believed to be a rodent repellent although there is no research to prove it but give it a go.
HOME REMEDIES: Be very cautious when using, DO NOT substitute similar product: for example.. Aspirin and paracetamol
Cider or White Vinegar: This can be used as an astringent for cutting mucus in birds suffering from a respiratory disease to help them expel thick exudates from their mouth and throat. It can also be used to acidify their crop contents in cases of soup crop and to help in cases of enteritis in killing off harmful bacteria. Dose: Add 5ml to 5 litres of water about 4 times a day, offer as their only water source for 24 hours 3-5 day intervals.
Molasses solution: This can be used as a laxative to flush the gut after ingestion of toxic substances e.g. moulds, mycotoxins of toxic plant or when birds are sourcing from a bacterial infection. Offers to birds over four hours then replace with fresh water. Treat birds individually if they cannot drink. Also offer as a free choice over a 7-10 day period. It also contains some essential minerals lost during bouts of diarrhea.Dilute 50ml molasses to two liters of water.