Review #3
Reviewer: Lisa Forrester
September/Oct 2017
Product: Dengie Fresh Bed
Manufacturer: Dengie
Product reviewed over:
1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 1 month 2 months 3 months
Your first thoughts of the product:
I was surprised how much was in one bag, I thought it was good value for money and I was looking forward to seeing the product.
Features at a glance:
Had a lovely fresh pine smell. Wasn't coarse to the touch it had a silky feel to it.
The Trial

How many chickens are in your set up?
Product Pros and Cons
Easy to spread into the chicken shed and nest boxes as although it was a big bag it was light. If effective it would be great value for money.
The birds were straight in rooting around.
I could smell the fresh fragrance down the end of the garden it was lovely.
I was disappointed, after just one week the product was sticky. I wouldn't use this product again. It very quickly became damp and clumped together. The fresh fragrance quickly disappeared.
Although it was a very large bag for approximately £10, I went through it much more quickly than my preferred bedding/nest box material. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone with more than 3-4 chickens as it deteriorates rapidly.
How would you rate this product: 1-5 star rating (1-poor, 2-below average, 3-average, 4-above average, 5-brilliant).
I would rate this product a 1