Review #1
Reviewer: Kris Graham
August/Sept 2017
Product: Ovaview and Ovascope
Manufacturer: Brinsea
Product reviewed over:
1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 1 month 2 months 3 months
Are the eggs you're hatching:
Dark/Thick Shelled
Light Brown
Light Shelled
Your first thoughts of the product:
The candler is good quality and extremely bright. The Ovascope feels a bit cheaper.
Features at a glance:
Very bright LED light.

The Trial
Product Pros and Cons
This product is extremely easy to use and gives the user a very unique experience by allowing you to see clearly the progression of the embryo inside the egg. Particularly fascinating for young children, especially when candling at day 10, expect to see movement. These two together eliminates the doubt of whether an egg is fertile and if the embryo is growing, this essentially eradicates the chance of bad eggs within the incubator.
A word of caution… The candler is extremely bright look into it for a couple of seconds even by accident and you see spots. I would advise switching off the candler whilst placing eggs onto the ovascope to lower the risks of looking directly into the torch light. Also, the turner on the side of the ovascope is mute, we barely used it as turning the egg by hand was a lot easier.

In Conclusion, we highly rate this item, currently on the Brinsea website cheaper as a pack than buying separately. For us, using the ovascope and the candler helped us spot bad eggs, see the development in more detail than we had ever seen before and gave us more confidence in our hatch.
How would you rate this product: 1-5 star rating (1-poor, 2-fair, 3-average, 4-good, 5-brilliant).
5 stars