Review #1
Reviewer: Nicola Marsay
September/Oct 2017
Product: Tropibed (2 x 40 Litre bags)
Manufacturer: Natrazorb
Product reviewed over: 6 weeks
Your first thoughts of the product:
The packaging impressed me, being sturdy waterproof polythene, resistant to holes or tearing. I was intrigued to see the product, which put me in mind of compost, but was doubtful that it would be as good as it proved itself to be.
Features at a glance:
The labelling and brochures enclosed advise that tropibed is naturally free from harmful bacteria and moulds, highly absorbent and lasts longer than other bedding.

The Trial
How many chickens are in your set up?
4 Large Fowl
Product Pros and Cons
It's very easy to handle, with the 40 L bags being light enough for anyone to carry. It copes very well with moisture and provides a nice dry environment for the birds. I would imagine that the well padded landing it provides the birds hopping down from perches must be hugely beneficial in avoiding leg/foot injuries. It fails on price, which is because it includes prohibitive postage/carriage - I would like to see a wide variety of outlets selling it.

Bedding freshly laid

After 3 weeks

After 6 weeks of use (white bits are from new feathers coming in).
In small poultry houses which are poo-picked daily I think it's an excellent product, albeit pricey. It's easily cleaned out by hand or with a cat litter scoop.
As a 40L bag is only sufficient to do a metre square I would be unlikely to use it in all my houses as the cost (£22 for 2 bags, delivered) is prohibitive. However, if 80L bags were widely stocked and offered for around £10 I would most certainly use it throughout my entire system
How would you rate this product: 1-5 star rating (1-poor, 2-below average, 3-average, 4-above average, 5-brilliant).
I would rate this product a 4