Review #1
Reviewer: Sammy Yarwood
August 2017
Product: Ova Easy 100 Incubator
Manufacturer: Brinsea
Product reviewed over:
1 week 2 weeks 3 weeks 1 month 2 months 3 months
Are the eggs you're hatching: Home bred
Bought in
Postal sent
All 3 types
How were the eggs stored before incubating and how old were the eggs when they were put in:
Postal eggs were stored at room temperature for 36 hours before going in, I can't prove age of eggs.
My own eggs collected for a maximum 2 weeks and stored as above.
Your first thoughts of the product:
Big and technical.
Features at a glance:
> Fully automatic
> turns eggs every half hour
> cooling option
> plus a few others I haven't used

The Trial
Product Pros and Cons
Is it easy to use/set up?
Postal eggs were stored at room temperature for 36 hours before going in, I can't prove age of eggs.
My own eggs collected for a maximum 2 weeks and stored as above.
Are the instructions easy to read and follow?
Yes they are.
How does it solve a problem or make life better?
Yes it does.
Does it save money?
Anything else?
I actually spoke to Brinsea about the actual running costs of this machine. Before I used 3 Octogan Advance 20’s at once. 1 Octogan requires 2 plug sockets, so 3 requires 6 plug sockets. Whereas, the Ova Easy only requires 1!! Big difference! Electricity worked out at as I remember 26p a day per Octogan, whereas, the Ova Easy is something like 66p per day. So In a nut shell, I am saving 12p a day on electric and in theory, hatching 40 extra eggs and still have 5 spare plug sockets.
The downside... It takes some room being a cabinet type incubator. The water reservoir is at the bottom, whereas, in the larger Ova Easys, it's at the top. Not ment for hatching at the bottom but supposed to hatch on the shelves. I have removed the water reservoir as I dry hatch. I now place a clean tea towel at the bottom so that I can hatch chicks at the bottom, but continue to incubate on the shelves. I also remove the eggs from the trays to hatch at the bottom due to the lack of room.
How do you feel about the product? Would you use the product again? Good for your money? Makes life easier? Would you recommend it to others? (please include photos before, during and end of trial periods)
yes I recommend to others that want to hatch a few, but not over a 100! Constantly using this product. Bought in the brinsea sale, so definitely value for money of when I bought it.
How would you rate this product: 1-5 star rating (1-poor, 2-fair, 3-average, 4-good, 5-brilliant).
4.5 only half a point away from 5! Because of the water Reservoir being at the bottom.