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Review #2

Reviewer: Annette Susan Price

August/September 2017

Product:   Mite Magic

Manufacturer:   Poultry Wizard

Product reviewed over:   

   1 week          2 weeks          3 weeks          1 month          2 months          3 months


How bad is your infestation of red mite and how long have you been battling them?

Very bad, I have been battling them for over 2 months

Is your infestated coop/birds free from other products for 4 weeks previous to this test? If not, what products were used in this period and how many applications were made during this time?

No, I have been using a combination of fly spray and ant powder.

Your first thoughts of the product:

Very easy to use.

Features at a glance:

Lovely smell, goes on well.

red mite-before
red mite-before
red mite-before
red mite-before
red mite-before
red mite-before

The Trial

Product Pros and Cons

It was easy to use and you don't need to keep the birds out for drying or after use.

It saved me money as it goes a long way. 

I suggest for the product to state on the packaging the size of house it will treat.

red mite-application


I would recommend the product.


How would you rate this product: 1-5 star rating (1-poor, 2-below average, 3-average, 4-above average, 5-brilliant).


I would rate this product a 5

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